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The stack config commands

stack config COMMAND

Available commands:
  env                      Print environment variables for use in a shell
  set                      Sets a key in YAML configuration file to value

The stack config commands provide assistance with accessing or modifying Stack's configuration. See stack config for the available commands.

The stack config env command

stack config env [--[no-]locals] [--[no-]ghc-package-path] [--[no-]stack-exe]
                 [--[no-]locale-utf8] [--[no-]keep-ghc-rts]

stack config env outputs a script that sets or unsets environment variables for a Stack environment. Flags modify the script that is output:

  • --[no-]locals (enabled by default) include/exclude local package information
  • --[no-]ghc-package-path (enabled by default) set GHC_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable or not
  • --[no-]stack-exe (enabled by default) set STACK_EXE environment variable or not
  • --[no-]locale-utf8 (disabled by default) set the GHC_CHARENC environment variable to UTF-8 or not
  • --[no-]keep-ghc-rts (disabled by default) keep/discard any GHCRTS environment variable

The stack config set commands

stack config set COMMAND

Available commands:
  install-ghc              Configure whether Stack should automatically install
                           GHC when necessary.
  package-index            Configure Stack's package index
  resolver                 Change the resolver of the current project.
  system-ghc               Configure whether Stack should use a system GHC
                           installation or not.

The stack config set commands allow the values of keys in YAML configuration files to be set. See stack config set for the available keys.

The stack config set install-ghc command

stack config set install-ghc [--global] true|false

stack config set install-ghc true or false sets the install-ghc key in a YAML configuration file, accordingly. By default, the project-level configuration file (stack.yaml) is altered. The --global flag specifies the user-specific global configuration file (config.yaml).

The stack config set package-index download-prefix command


stack config set package-index download-prefix [--global] [URL]

stack config set package-index download-prefix <url> sets the download-prefix key of the package-index key in a YAML configuration file, accordingly. By default, the project-level configuration file (stack.yaml) is altered. The --global flag specifies the user-specific global configuration file (config.yaml).

The stack config set resolver command

stack config set resolver SNAPSHOT

stack config set resolver <snapshot> sets the resolver key in the project-level configuration file (stack.yaml).

A snapshot of lts or nightly will be translated into the most recent available. A snapshot of lts-19 will be translated into the most recent available in the lts-19 sequence.

Known bug:

  • The command does not respect the presence of a snapshot key.

The stack config set system-ghc command

stack config set system-ghc [--global] true|false

stack config set system-ghc true or false sets the system-ghc key in a YAML configuration file, accordingly. By default, the project-level configuration file (stack.yaml) is altered. The --global flag specifies the user-specific global configuration file (config.yaml).