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The stack path command

stack path [--stack-root] [--global-config] [--programs] [--local-bin]
           [--project-root] [--config-location] [--bin-path] [--compiler-exe]
           [--compiler-bin] [--compiler-tools-bin] [--extra-include-dirs]
           [--extra-library-dirs] [--snapshot-pkg-db] [--local-pkg-db]
           [--global-pkg-db] [--ghc-package-path] [--snapshot-install-root]
           [--local-install-root] [--snapshot-doc-root] [--local-doc-root]
           [--local-hoogle-root] [--dist-dir] [--local-hpc-root]

stack path provides information about files and locations used by Stack.

Pass the following flags for information about specific files or locations:

Flag File or location
--bin-path The PATH in the Stack environment.
--compiler-bin The directory containing the GHC executable.
--compiler-exe The GHC executable.
--compiler-tools-bin The directory containing binaries specific to a particular compiler.
--config-location Stack's project-level YAML configuration file (stack.yaml, by default).
--dist-dir The dist work directory, relative to the package directory.
--extra-include-dirs Extra include directories.
--extra-library-dirs Extra library directories.
--ghc-package-path The GHC_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.
--global-config Stack's user-specific global YAML configuration file (config.yaml).
--global-pkg-db The global package database.
--local-bin The directory in which Stack installs executables.
--local-doc-root The root directory for local project documentation.
--local-hoogle-root The root directory for local project documentation.
--local-hpc-root The root directory for .tix files and HPC reports.
--local-install-root The root directory for local project installation.
--local-pkg-db The local package database.
--programs The root directory for GHC and other Stack-supplied tools.
--project-root The project root directory.
--snapshot-doc-root The root directory for snapshot documentation.
--snapshot-install-root The root directory for snapshot installation.
--snapshot-pkg-db The snapshot package database.
--stack-root The Stack root.