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The stack ls commands

stack ls COMMAND

Available commands:
  dependencies             View the dependencies
  snapshots                View snapshots (local by default)
  stack-colors             View Stack's output styles
  stack-colours            View Stack's output styles (alias for 'stack-colors')
  tools                    View Stack's installed tools

The stack ls commands list different types of information. Command stack ls for the available commands.

The stack ls dependencies command


stack ls dependencies COMMAND

Available commands:
  cabal                    Print dependencies as exact Cabal constraints
  json                     Print dependencies as JSON
  text                     Print dependencies as text (default)
  tree                     Print dependencies as tree


stack ls dependencies [--separator SEP] [--[no-]license] [--filter ITEM]
                      [--[no-]external] [--[no-]include-base] [--depth DEPTH]
                      [--prune PACKAGES] [TARGET] [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG]
                      [--test] [--bench] [--global-hints]

stack ls dependencies lists all of the packages and versions used for a project. All local packages are considered by default, but a target can be specified as an argument. For further information, see the target syntax documentation.

Subcommands specify the format of the output, as follows:

  • cabal lists the packages in the format of exact Cabal constraints.

    stack ls dependencies cabal [--[no-]external] [--[no-]include-base]
                                [--depth DEPTH] [--prune PACKAGES] [TARGET]
                                [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG] [--test] [--bench]

    For example (extract):

    , Cabal ==
    , Cabal-syntax ==
    , Glob ==0.10.2
  • json lists dependencies in JSON format (an array of objects).

    stack ls dependencies json [--[no-]external] [--[no-]include-base]
                               [--depth DEPTH] [--prune PACKAGES] [TARGET]
                               [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG] [--test] [--bench]

    For example (extract):


    Each object has the following keys:

    name: zlib
      type: hackage
    licence: BSD3
    - base
    - bytestring
  • text (the default) lists the packages, each on a separate line.

    stack ls dependencies text [--separator SEP] [--[no-]license] [--filter ITEM]
                               [--[no-]external] [--[no-]include-base]
                               [--depth DEPTH] [--prune PACKAGES] [TARGET]
                               [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG] [--test] [--bench]

    For example (extract):

    Glob 0.10.2
  • tree lists dependencies in the format of a tree.

    stack ls dependencies tree [--separator SEP] [--[no-]license] [--[no-]external]
                               [--[no-]include-base] [--depth DEPTH]
                               [--prune PACKAGES] [TARGET] [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG] [--test] [--bench] [--global-hints]

    For example (extract):

    └─┬ stack 2.10.0
      ├─┬ Cabal
      │ ├─┬ Win32
      │ │ ├─┬ base
      │ │ │ ├─┬ ghc-bignum 1.2
      │ │ │ │ └─┬ ghc-prim 0.8.0
      │ │ │ │   └── rts 1.0.2
      │ │ │ ├─┬ ghc-prim 0.8.0

The --separator option, with the text or tree subcommand, specifies the separator between the package name and its version. The default is a space character.

Set the --license flag, after the text or tree subcommand, to replace each package's version with its licence. (Consistent with the Cabal package description format specification, only the American English spelling (license) is accepted.)

The --filter option, with the text subcommand, specifies an item to be filtered out from the results, if present. An item can be $locals (for all local packages) or a package name. It can be specified multiple times.


The special value $locals will need to be enclosed with single quotes to distinguish it from a shell variable.

Set the --no-external flag to exclude external dependencies.

Set the --no-include-base flag to exclude dependencies on the base package.

The --depth option limits the depth of dependency resolution.

The --prune <packages> option prunes the specified packages and their dependencies from the tree of packages used to generate the output, where <packages> is a comma separated list of package names.

The --flag option allows Cabal flags to be specified.

Pass the --test flag to consider the dependencies of test suite components.

Pass the --bench flag to consider the dependencies of benchmark components.

Pass the --global-hints flag to use a hints file for global packages. The command then does not require an installed GHC.

The stack ls snapshots command

stack ls snapshots [COMMAND] [-l|--lts] [-n|--nightly]

Available commands:
  local                    View local snapshots
  remote                   View remote snapshots

stack ls snapshots will list all the local snapshots by default. You can also view the remote snapshots using stack ls snapshots remote. It also supports options for viewing only lts (-l) and nightly (-n) snapshots.

The stack ls stack-colors command

stack ls stack-colors [--[no-]basic] [--[no-]sgr] [--[no-]example]

The British English spelling is also accepted (stack ls stack-colours).

stack ls stack-colors will list all of Stack's output styles. A number of different formats for the output are available, see stack ls stack-colors --help.

The default is a full report, with the equivalent SGR instructions and an example of the applied style. The latter can be disabled with flags --no-sgr and --no-example.

The flag --basic specifies a more basic report, in the format that is accepted by Stack's command line option --stack-colors and the YAML configuration key stack-colors.

The stack ls tools command

stack ls tools [--filter TOOL_NAME]

stack ls tools will list Stack's installed tools. On Unix-like operating systems, they will be one or more versions of GHC. On Windows, they will include MSYS2. For example, on Windows the command:

stack ls tools

yields output like:


The --filter <tool_name> option will filter the output by a tool name (e.g. 'ghc', 'ghc-git' or 'msys2'). The tool name is case sensitive. For example the command:

stack ls tools --filter ghc

yields output like:
