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Nix integration

Nix is a purely functional package manager. Stack can be configured to integrate with Nix. Integration provides these benefits:

  • more reproducible builds. This is because fixed versions of any system libraries and commands required to build the project are automatically built using Nix and managed locally for each project. These system packages never conflict with any existing versions of these libraries on your system. That they are managed locally to the project means that you don't need to alter your system in any way to build any odd project pulled from the Internet; and
  • implicit sharing of system packages between projects. This means you don't have more copies on-disk than you need.

The Nix package manager is a pre-requisite for integration. On Linux (including Windows Subsystem for Linux) and macOS, it can be downloaded and installed from the Nix download page.

When integrated with Nix, Stack handles Haskell dependencies as it usually does and the Nix package manager handles the non-Haskell dependencies needed by the Haskell packages.

Stack downloads Haskell packages from Stackage and builds them locally. Stack uses Nix to download Nix packages. These provide the GHC compiler and external C libraries that you would normally install manually.

Nix's nix-shell starts an interactive shell based on a Nix expression. Stack can automatically create a Nix build environment in the background using nix-shell. There are two alternative options to create such a build environment:

  1. provide a list of Nix packages
  2. provide a shell.nix file that gives you more control over the libraries and tools available inside the shell.

A shell.nix file requires writing code in Nix's custom language. Use this option only if you know Nix and have special requirements, such as using custom Nix packages that override the standard ones or using system libraries with special requirements.

Checking the Nix installation

Once Nix is installed, the Nix commands (nix-shell etc) should be available. If they are not, it could be because the file $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ is not sourced by your shell.

You should either:

  1. run source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ each time you open a terminal and need Nix; or
  2. add the command source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file.

A Nix path can be specified between angle brackets, e.g. <nixpkgs>, and the directories listed in the NIX_PATH environment variable will be searched for the given file or directory name. Stack makes use of path <nixpkgs>. From Nix 2.4, NIX_PATH is not set by If NIX_PATH is not set, Nix will fall back to (first) $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels in impure and unrestricted evaluation mode. However, Stack may use a pure Nix mode (see further below). That directory can be appended to NIX_PATH with export NIX_PATH=${NIX_PATH:+$NIX_PATH:}$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels. For information about how Stack itself can configure NIX_PATH, see further below.

Enable Nix integration

To enable Nix integration, add the following section to your Stack YAML configuration file (stack.yaml or config.yaml):

  enable: true  # false by default

The equivalent command line flag (which will prevail) is --[no-]nix. Passing any --nix-* option on the command line will imply the --nix option.

With Nix integration enabled, stack build and stack exec will automatically launch themselves in a local build environment (using nix-shell behind the scenes). It is not necessary to run stack setup, unless you want to cache a GHC installation before running a build.

Known limitation on macOS: currently, stack --nix ghci fails on macOS, due to a bug in GHCi when working with external shared libraries.

Supporting both Nix and non-Nix developers

With Nix integration enabled in Stack's YAML configuration file, every developer of your project needs to have Nix installed, but the developer also gets all external libraries automatically.

Julien Debon of Tweag has published a blog post on Smooth, non-invasive Haskell Stack and Nix shell integration (2 June 2022). The post explains how to set things up so that both Nix and non-Nix developers can work together on the same project. The tweag/haskell-stack-nix-example GitHub repository provides an example of working Stack and Nix shell integration to accompany the post.

Nix 2.4 (released 1 November 2021) introduced a new and experimental format to package Nix-based projects, known as 'flakes'.

The example below adapts and extends the example accompanying the blog post above to use Nix flakes. The flake.nix file is:

  description = "my project description";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};

        hPkgs =
          pkgs.haskell.packages."ghc8107"; # need to match Stackage LTS version
                                           # from stack.yaml resolver

        myDevTools = [
          hPkgs.ghc # GHC compiler in the desired version (will be available on PATH)
          hPkgs.ghcid # Continuous terminal Haskell compile checker
          hPkgs.ormolu # Haskell formatter
          hPkgs.hlint # Haskell codestyle checker
          hPkgs.hoogle # Lookup Haskell documentation
          hPkgs.haskell-language-server # LSP server for editor
          hPkgs.implicit-hie # auto generate LSP hie.yaml file from cabal
          hPkgs.retrie # Haskell refactoring tool
          # hPkgs.cabal-install
          pkgs.zlib # External C library needed by some Haskell packages

        # Wrap Stack to work with our Nix integration. We don't want to modify
        # stack.yaml so non-Nix users don't notice anything.
        # - no-nix: We don't want Stack's way of integrating Nix.
        # --system-ghc    # Use the existing GHC on PATH (will come from this Nix file)
        # --no-install-ghc  # Don't try to install GHC if no matching GHC found on PATH
        stack-wrapped = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
          name = "stack"; # will be available as the usual `stack` in terminal
          paths = [ pkgs.stack ];
          buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
          postBuild = ''
            wrapProgram $out/bin/stack \
              --add-flags "\
                --no-nix \
                --system-ghc \
                --no-install-ghc \
      in {
        devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
          buildInputs = myDevTools;

          # Make external Nix c libraries like zlib known to GHC, like
          # pkgs.haskell.lib.buildStackProject does
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH = pkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath myDevTools;

Check-in this flake.nix to your project's repository. Run the nix develop command (it searches for flake.nix by default) and you'll find a new flake.lock file. That file that pins the precise nixpkgs package set. Check-in that flake.lock file as well, and every Nix developer of your project will use precisely the same package set.

GHC through Nix packages

Nix integration will instruct Stack to build inside a local build environment. That environment will also download and use a GHC Nix package matching the required version of the configured Stack resolver.

Enabling Nix integration means that packages will always be built using the local GHC from Nix inside your shell, rather than your globally installed system GHC (if any).

Stack can use only GHC versions that are in the Nix package repository. The Nixpkgs master branch usually picks up new versions quickly, but it takes two or three days before those updates arrive in the unstable channel. Release channels, like nixos-22.05, receive those updates only occasionally -- say, every two or three months --, so you should not expect them to have the latest compiler available. Fresh NixOS installs use a release version by default.

To identify whether a given compiler is available, you can use the following Nix command:

nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.compiler.ghc924
haskell.compiler.ghc924  ghc-9.2.4

If Nix doesn't know that version of GHC, you'll see the following error message:

nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.compiler.ghc999
error: attribute ‘ghc999’ in selection path ‘haskell.compiler.ghc999’ not found

You can list all known Haskell compilers in Nix with the following:

nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.attrNames haskell.compiler"

Alternatively, use nix repl, a convenient tool to explore nixpkgs:

nix repl

In the REPL, load nixpkgs and get the same information through autocomplete:

nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
nix-repl> haskell.compiler.ghc<Tab>

You can type and evaluate any Nix expression in the Nix REPL, such as the one we gave to nix-instantiate earlier.

External C libraries through Nix packages

To let Nix manage external C libraries, add (for example) the following section to your Stack YAML configuration file:

  enable: true
  packages: [zlib, glpk, pcre]

The equivalent command line option is --nix-packages "zlib glpk pcre".

The packages key and the shell-file key (see further below) are alternatives. Specifying both results in an error.

The example above will instruct Stack to build inside a local build environment that will have the Nix packages zlib, glpk and pcre installed, which provide the C libraries of the same names.

Note: currently, Stack only discovers dynamic and static libraries in the lib/ folder of any Nix package, and likewise header files in the include/ folder. If you're dealing with a package that doesn't follow this standard layout, you'll have to deal with that using a custom shell.nix file (see further below).

External C libraries through a shell.nix file

In Nix, a 'derivation' is a description of a build action and its result is a Nix store object. Nix's custom language can provide a fully customized derivation as an environment to use. To specify such a shell.nix file, add the following section to your Stack YAML configuration file:

  enable: true
  shell-file: shell.nix

The equivalent command line option (which will prevail) is --nix-shell-file shell.nix.

The packages and shell-file keys are alternatives. Specifying both results in an error.

Defining a shell.nix file allow you to override some Nix derivations, for instance to change some build options of the libraries you use, or to set additional environment variables. For further information, see the Nix manual.

The shell.nix file that is the equivalent of the packages: [zlib, glpk, pcre] example above is:

with (import <nixpkgs> {});

haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
  inherit ghc;
  name = "myEnv";
  buildInputs = [ zlib glpk pcre ];

The buildStackProject utility function is documented in the Nixpkgs manual.

Stack expects the shell.nix file to define a function of with one argument called ghc (arguments are not positional), which you should give to function buildStackProject. This argument is a GHC Nix package in the version as defined in the resolver you set in Stack's project-level configuration file (stack.yaml).

Pure and impure Nix shells

By default, Stack will run the build in a pure Nix build environment (or shell), which means two important things:

  1. basically no environment variable will be forwarded from your user session to the nix-shell (variables like HTTP_PROXY or PATH notably will not be available); and
  2. the build should fail if you haven't specified all the dependencies in the packages: section of the Stack YAML configuration file, even if these dependencies are installed elsewhere on your system. This behaviour enforces a complete description of the build environment to facilitate reproducibility.

To override this behaviour, add the following section to your Stack YAML configuration file:

  enable: true
  pure: false

The equivalent command line flag (which will prevail) is --[no-]-nix-pure.

Note: On macOS, shells are non-pure by default currently. This is due soon to be resolved locale issues. So on macOS you'll need to be a bit more careful to check that you really have listed all dependencies.

Nix package sources

Nix organizes its packages in snapshots of packages (each snapshot being a "package set") similar to how Stackage organizes Haskell packages. By default, nix-shell will look for the "nixpkgs" package set located by your NIX_PATH environment variable. This package set can be different depending on when you installed Nix and which nixpkgs channel you're using (similar to the LTS channel for stable packages and the nightly channel for bleeding edge packages in Stackage). This is bad for reproducibility so that nixpkgs should be pinned, i.e., set to the same package set for every developer of your project.

To set or override the Nix package set, add the following section to your Stack YAML configuration file:

  path: [nixpkgs=<path_to_my_own_nixpkgs_clone>]

The equivalent command line option is --nix-path <path_to_my_own_nixpkgs_clone>.

By this means, you can ask Nix to use your own local checkout of the nixpkgs repository. You could in this way use a bleeding edge nixpkgs, cloned from the NixOS/nixpkgs repository master branch, or edit the Nix descriptions of some packages.

The Tweag example repository shows how you can pin a package set.

Configuration options

Below is a summary of the Stack YAML configuration file settings, identifying default values:


  # false by default. Must be present and set to `true` to enable Nix, except on
  # NixOS where it is enabled by default (see #3938).  You can set it in
  # your `$HOME/.stack/config.yaml` to enable Nix for all your projects without
  # having to repeat it
  enable: true

  # true by default. Tells Nix whether to run in a pure shell or not.
  pure: true

  # Empty by default. The list of packages you want to be
  # available in the nix-shell at build time (with `stack
  # build`) and run time (with `stack exec`).
  packages: []

  # Unset by default. You cannot set this option if `packages:`
  # is already present and not empty.
  shell-file: shell.nix

  # A list of strings, empty by default. Additional options that
  # will be passed verbatim to the `nix-shell` command.
  nix-shell-options: []

  # A list of strings, empty by default, such as
  # `[nixpkgs=/my/local/nixpkgs/clone]` that will be used to override
  path: []

  # false by default. Whether to add your Nix dependencies as Nix garbage
  # collection roots. This way, calling nix-collect-garbage will not remove
  # those packages from the Nix store, saving you some time when running
  # stack build again with Nix support activated.
  # This creates a `nix-gc-symlinks` directory in the project `.stack-work`.
  # To revert that, just delete this `nix-gc-symlinks` directory.
  add-gc-roots: false

stack --nix-help will list the equivalent command line flags and options.

Stack and developer tools on NixOS

NixOS is a Linux distribution based on Nix, that is composed using modules and packages defined in the Nixpkgs project.

When using Stack on NixOS, you must use Stack's Nix integration to install GHC. That is because external C libraries in NixOS are not installed in the usual distribution directories. GHC installed through Stack (without Nix) can't find those libraries and, therefore, can't build most projects. However, GHC provided through Nix can be modified to find the external C libraries provided through Nix.