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Docker images

Docker Hub includes Docker images under `fpco/stack-build'.

To update those images with a new version of Stack:

  1. Under commercialhaskell/stackage/automated/dockerfiles, add lts-X.Y/Dockerfile (where X.Y is the latest Stackage Haskell LTS version), containing (where X.Z is the previous Haskell LTS version, and X.Y.Z is the newly released Stack version):

    RUN wget -qO-$STACK_VERSION/stack-$STACK_VERSION-linux-x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin '*/stack'
  2. Run ./ lts-X.Y. Then test that the new image has the new version of Stack. For example, command:

    docker run --rm fpco/stack-build:lts stack --version
  3. Use the following commands to push the new image to the registry:

    ./ --push lts-X.Y
    ./ --push --small lts-X.Y