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The stack init command

stack init [DIR(S)] [--omit-packages] [--force] [--ignore-subdirs]

stack init initialises Stack's default project-level YAML configuration file (stack.yaml) for an existing project, based on the Cabal file or package.yaml file for each of its packages.

By default:

  • Stack searches for Cabal and package.yaml files in the current directory. Specify one or more directories as arguments to cause Stack to search them;

  • Stack also searches for Cabal and package.yaml files in subdirectories. Pass the flag --ignore-subdirs to ignore subdirectories;

  • Stack will not overwrite an existing stack.yaml file. Pass the flag --force to allow overwriting; and

  • Stack will not initialise if there are conflicting or incompatable user packages. Pass the flag --omit-packages to cause Stack to ignore such matters while initialising.

If a snapshot is specified at the command line, stack init will try to use it. For further information, see the documentation for the --snapshot and --resolver options.

Otherwise, stack init will try to use the following Stackage snapshots in order of preference, using the first that is compatable: the most recent LTS Haskell, the most recent Stackage Nightly, and other LTS Haskell (most recent first).


If Cabal (the tool) has been used in the directory, consider commanding cabal clean before applying stack init, in case Cabal has created any unintended Cabal files.